White paper: corporate branding en models

White paper: corporate branding en models

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Dit white paper is geschreven door Ronald van Haaften. Het betreft een verkorte uitvoering van zijn MBA afstudeerproject over ‘corporate branding en brand models’. Het paper is in het engels geschreven en beschrijft hoe jonge succesvolle internationale bedrijven, vaak gedreven door enorme groeidoelstellingen, de corporate positionering nogal eens uit het oog verliezen. Een gemiste kans volgens van Haaften. Hij komt in dit paper met een nieuw corporate branding model wat bedrijven kunnen gebruiken om enerzijds de bedrijfsdoelen te kunnen behalen en anderzijds een sterk merk te kunnen bouwen.  

Corporate branding is a subject that personally intrigues me as a marketer, due to its scientific deepening and pragmatic character combined with a management triangulation with angles from organizational strategy, business development and marketing strategy. Corporate branding means; strategic corporate orientation, harmonization and communication between the firm and its external environment, to create, build and maintain the right set of brand associations. In the playing field of business administration, corporate branding fits within the sub-area of marketing management and communication strategy. Hence corporate branding should be one of the strategic objectives of the marketing strategy plan of international organizations.

A problem for young international organizations is the lack of cross border brand recognition, especially in case of multiple business units scattered across continents or countries. Mature market leaders are recognized and have been able to create a positive set of brand associations within the market. Not surprisingly, a lack of brand recognition and brand awareness counts as well for entrepreneurial national and international organizations. Young successful international organizations are often driven by extremely ambitious (and aggressive) entrepreneurs. To manage their investment programs they need to “deliver” their objectives to secure CAPEX and long term shareholder investments. Therefore, it is necessary to take a strategic proposition and obtain

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Bron: Ronald van Haaften (www.van-haaften.nl)

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