White paper: Branded Social Communities

White paper: Branded Social Communities

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Facebook? Google+? Twitter? Pinterest? Chances are these sites are a key part of your corporate social media strategy. But you may be missing a critical component — one that can help you engage more deeply with your customers. We’re talking about a branded social community where you can have interactions with your prospects and customers in your own environment. 

While open social networks are opportunities to interact with the wider social sphere, a branded community lets you go deeper with your customers to build brand advocates and gain valuable insight and feedback on your products and services. Better yet, a branded social community can drive more revenue. A recent study showed that retailers may reap better returns with their own branded communities versus third-party sites such as Facebook. The research showed a 19-percent increase in incremental revenue generated by customers after they joined the retailer’s online community.

The benefits aren’t just for retailers. Companies or organizations in any industry can use a branded community to deliver a more satisfying user experience, grow customer loyalty, and build long-term relationships with brand advocates. And you can amplify your benefits by including your branded community in your integrated marketing strategy to deliver a seamless, multichannel experience. Read on for tips on creating your own branded social community and what it takes to attract customers to your site and keep them active in it.


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  1. [...] Facebook? Google+? Twitter? Pinterest? Chances are these sites are a key part of your corporate social media strategy.  [...]

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